Independent Groups
Trinity is home to many community groups whose activities reflect the interests and needs of local
people. Nearly all of them are run by volunteers. We provide subsidised space and work closely
alongside groups, introducing them to Centre users who would benefit from support, as well as
providing information on local issues and needs. The following groups currently meet at Trinity. For
further information, please contact Paul Chelliah via email (paul@thetrinitycentre.org)
The Punjabi Elders’ Group
This group has been using the Centre for more than 40 years. It meets 5 days a week, providing the
elders with a place to come to daily and social time together. Members’ average age is
approximately 80 years. They depend upon the group to ensure they retain contact with the wider
This is a self-help Asian Women’s Group, meeting once a week at Trinity. They provide a forum for
lonely, depressed, and isolated women. They make referrals to London Black Women’s Project,
CYANA, and other organisations who provide support, counselling, befriending and practical advice
to members. They also receive referrals from Social Services and community organisations.
Ekta Project
Ekta brings together groups of isolated, mildly confused, frail, disabled and housebound Asian elders
living in Newham and the surrounding boroughs. They aim to improve their quality of life through
community action, campaigning, advocacy, social and health care.
Otthulaippu Group
Otthulaippu use a team of volunteers to run their English Language classes. They also provide advice
and advocacy to local people. Their work includes: sign posting clients to local services, providing
housing and benefits advice, interpreting/translating, supporting victims of child/domestic/drug and
alcohol abuse, care and support for victims and families with mental health issues as well as those
suffering from dementia/autism
Tamil Information Centre
Volunteers provide advice and support on a range of issues for the local Tamil community.
In particular they help individuals navigate access to statutory services and guidance on care
for the elderly and children. They provide a lifeline for those experiencing depression,
isolation and family difficulties.
East London NHS Foundation Trust
Delivers mental health support for local people through their Hearing Voices project.
Faith Groups
For nearly 50 years Trinity has been a home to a variety of faith groups. For many in our
community, the difference between culture and faith is a very small one; we support local
people to meet with others in their faith group as a way of recognising the importance of
interfaith dialogue and promoting tolerance.
Trinity is a secular organisation and has no religious affiliations, but it is a home to Sikhs,
Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists and Christians, many of whom meet and pray in rooms and halls
very close to each other and do so with complete respect and consideration. The faith
groups provide their communities with support and opportunities to socialise.